Measuring success is vital to any campaign and also ensures that we are providing our clients with value for money.
Take a look at our impressive results, together with three client case studies.

We deliver a minimum of five-fold return on investment…

We regularly achieve over 45k impressions / views on our client’s Twitter accounts per month…

On social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter) and digital press, we are regularly achieving over 1m views, which in turn is driving traffic to our clients’ websites…

With NO ADVERTISING, we achieve an average engagement rate upward of 5.5% across client’s social media channels – and often much higher.
Case Studies

Sheffield Housing Company
The full service
For Sheffield Housing Company (SHC), Persuasion PR was selected in 2013, to deliver a fully integrated press and media campaign. Its aim was to raise awareness of the partnerships delivery of affordable new housing, jobs and training opportunities and investment in the city.
SHC is a joint venture development company established by Sheffield City Council, private sector construction partner Keepmoat Homes and Great Places Housing Group. It was felt that our knowledge and previous experience of working with multi partner agencies and local authorities, would be of great benefit to the housing company. That has proved to be the case as we continue to provide the full service to SHC today.
Initially, competitive advantage was achieved by attracting the good will of the community through PR which demonstrated a genuine desire to help buyers overcome the obstacles to home purchase. In addition, news articles focussed on local job and training opportunities and community initiatives which were helping the region to flourish.
We have delivered over £795,000 of positive media coverage*.
We have also provided support with public consultation events, managed the production of a bi-monthly newsletter, created website copy, handled sensitive communications with resident’s neighbouring SHC’s sites and organised video production.
Complementing this press and media activity, we took over management of SHC’s social media platforms. This raised digital profile and helped the organisation connect with key audiences including stake holders, partner organisations, contractors, local councillors, MPs, the media, potential buyers and the general public as a whole. The success of posting relevant, creative content has resulted in SHC regularly achieving monthly impressions / views of over 47,000 and an engagement rate upwards of 6.5%.
The benefits of this have been far reaching with local people feeling more able to communicate with the partnership and be involved in the activities it is undertaking across the city.
*The equivalent cost in advertising for the coverage we have generated.
“The Persuasion team have achieved great coverage for Sheffield Housing Company and its partners.
They work hard to find news stories and angles that have genuine press appeal. In the last year they have taken control of our social media platforms, which in turn has raised profile, built reputation and helped engage our stakeholders, employees, partners, residents and organisations within the communities in which we work.
“They are well versed at managing projects which involve a number of organisations and always ensure that all parties involved are fairly represented, whilst not losing site of the project’s aim or news focus.”

Campaign management
As well as thorough planning and creative input, Persuasion offers a single point of contact for the client, managing every aspect of the PR campaign including media, design, print, display and exhibition stands, videos, new media, advertising and point of sale material.
The National Canine Defence League chose Persuasion to run its pilot neutering and microchipping campaign in the North East.
“This was the biggest campaign NCDL had mounted so it was important that our messages reached the widest possible audience. Persuasion PR played an important part in shaping the campaign and ensured excellent media coverage. The result was that ‘Give a Dog a Life’ was such a huge success that we decided to take the programme nationwide.”

Crisis management
The px group operates and maintains gas processing plants in Scotland and on Teesside; a gas pipeline in the North Sea; power generating operations – including biomass – in Cumbria, Lincolnshire, London and Sheffield, as well as fuel storage terminals in the Midlands and Wales. It also owns and provides support services to partners at Saltend Chemical Park in Hull.
An energy trading division – E24 – manages energy buying and selling on behalf of clients, as well as services relating to industry ICT and administrative activities. We have enjoyed an excellent working relationship with the client for over 25 years.
Following a fatal explosion at Teesside Power Station in 2001, the media was clamouring for information.
Persuasion employees were on site within 30 minutes, setting up a press and PR management function, advising and guiding senior management on statements for publications and broadcast stations from around the world.
Clear and accurate information was also provided to the surrounding community, politicians and business leaders.
Following the incident Persuasion worked with px to report and manage the HSE findings and re-build the reputation of the company.
We continue to provide 24 hours crisis management support to the client, taking part in regular exercises and reviews.
“Persuasion PR helped us launch the business and has been working with us ever since to help develop and manage our reputation – ready to assist if there are challenging circumstances.
It’s good to know that we can rely on a fast response from people who can quickly grasp a situation and manage communications with varying audiences – particularly the media.”